CSM G360 Gear-Driven Safety Assessment Program

CSM G360 - Gear-Driven Safety Assessment Program

Our CSM G360 – Gear-Driven Safety Assessment Program is a comprehensive program that evaluates potential hazards in the workplace and recommends the appropriate PPE for each application. By selecting the right PPE, companies can prevent workplace injuries and illnesses, reducing the costs associated with lost productivity, medical expenses, and worker’s compensation claims.

Our program is designed to help OEMs, MROs, and Distribution Partners identify potential hazards in the workplace, prevent injuries, and ensure compliance with safety regulations for fire extinguishers, eyewash stations, and emergency showers to create a safe workplace environment. We understand the importance of balancing safety and cost-effectiveness, so our program evaluates PPE options for cost savings while ensuring compliance with safety regulations.

We call this approach “Cost-Effective Protection (CEP)” and it’s another way we help our clients improve their bottom line while maintaining a safe work environment.

The CSM G360 program features areas of emphasis on the following:

  • Arm Protection: Identify potential risks and hazards to employees’ arms in the workplace, providing recommendations for appropriate arm protection to prevent accidents and injuries.
  • Emergency Shower Compliance: We ensure that emergency shower systems are properly installed and functioning as required. We test water flow and temperature to guarantee they meet the ANSI-required tepid range.
  • Ergonomics: Evaluate the workplace for ergonomic hazards and recommend appropriate measures to prevent musculoskeletal disorders and injuries. This includes assessing workstations, equipment, and tools to improve worker comfort and productivity.
  • Eye Protection: Identify potential hazards that could lead to eye injuries. We work with your company to address all areas of concern, from identifying the correct type of eyewear for the job to ensuring that eyewash stations comply with safety standards and are easily accessible in emergencies. We test the stations’ functionality, maintenance, and location to ensure effective treatment of eye injuries.
  • Fire Extinguisher Compliance & Cost Improvement: We ensure compliance with regulations and assess the workplace to determine the appropriate placement of fire extinguishers. We aim to maximize safety coverage while minimizing costs.
  • Hand Protection: Evaluate potential hazards that may lead to hand injuries and recommend the right gloves for your specific needs. We also ensure compliance with safety regulations.
  • Head Protection: Conduct a thorough evaluation of the workplace to identify potential hazards that could lead to head injuries. Based on our findings, we work with your company to recommend the appropriate headgear, including hard hats or other protective headwear, to ensure maximum safety for your employees.
  • Hearing Protection: Identify potential hazards related to hearing loss and evaluate your current hearing protection measures. We recommend improvements where necessary and provide training on properly using and maintaining hearing protection equipment.
  • Heat Stress and Hydration: Identify potential heat-related hazards in the workplace, such as heat exhaustion and dehydration, and recommend appropriate measures to prevent them.
  • Respiratory Protection: Identify potential respiratory hazards in the workplace and recommend appropriate PPE such as respirators and half masks. We also provide fit testing services to ensure that the equipment fits properly and provides effective protection for employees.
  • Torso Protection: Identify potential hazards and risks to the torso in the workplace to minimize the risk of injury.

Contact us today to learn more about how our program can help your business stay safe.

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